Aκούμε δυνατά...!!!
X-RADIO - www.xradio.eu ROCK MACHINE - www.rockmachine.gr DGT ROCK - www.dgtrockfm.tk

Διαβάζουμε-Ακούμε-Παρακολουθούμε-Στηρίζουμε τις ανεξάρτητες φωνές:
Democracy Now! - www.democracynow.org ΕΡΤ - www.ertopen.com INFOWAR - www.info-war.gr

Κυριακή, Οκτωβρίου 23, 2005

kicking the fucking start!

hello everybody!this is my block and i invite anyone to write and post anything you like!So,just be my guests!!!
Jimmy Bloody Rose


Anonymous Ανώνυμος said...

this really is a brilliant blog.
i log on every day to read your comments and insights into the mysteries of life. wihout your words, i think i'd crumble under the pressure. musch love.

Σάββατο, Μαΐου 20, 2006 3:30:00 π.μ.  

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